
Two solutions to the oil leakage phenomenon of the static pressure brick machine
发布时间:2021.06.03 编辑: 浏览量:576

The static pressure brick machine is a new type of machine that uses hydraulic transmission and double-sided pressure. Compared with the vibrating brick machine, the static brick machine has the advantages of low production noise, power saving and low failure rate. At the same time, the static brick press also has the advantages of multi-purpose, simple operation, and the price will be different. They are all the same machines used to produce bricks, but the production principles are different, so the types of bricks they are good at will also be different. Let us introduce them in detail below.

The static brick press uses the up and down compression method to compact the bricks, so it is not suitable for the production of too high bricks, and it is easy to cause uneven density of the bricks. Especially, it is suitable for producing 40-120mm high bricks, similar to colored bricks, sidewalk bricks, etc. 

In addition, the static pressure brick machine is also suitable for the production of non-porous bricks, because if it is used to produce porous bricks, the damage rate will be relatively high, causing losses. Although there are certain limitations in the production of static brick machines, customers can choose according to their actual needs. 

The static brick machine still performs well in its good points. In addition, the vibration forming brick machine has unparalleled low noise. If the local noise control is strict, the static brick making machine is undoubtedly a suitable choice.

To Speaking of the oil leakage of the static brick machine, only two places can be thought of, one is the hydraulic pump station and the other is the reducer. Only these two places can use hydraulic oil, so the general place for oil leakage is that the two parts have different solutions to these two parts, and we give different explanations for the oil leakage phenomenon in different places.

Because the internal pressure of the pumping station is relatively high, it is said that if the oil leaks, it should be remedied in time. Otherwise, due to pressure, the cracks in the oil leak will become larger and larger. Immediately deal with it to prevent the leak from being too large. Oil leakage often occurs at the tubing joints in winter. Due to the relatively dry temperature in winter, the oil pipe is easy to freeze, so oil leakage from the oil pipe must be carried out in time.

As for the reducer, take care of it. The oil leakage of the reducer is basically the joint. The oil of the gear belt leaks from the joint of the gap. Normally, in this case, you have to open the reducer and apply a leak-proof joint. The glue is sufficient to effectively prevent oil leakage.

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